Hi, this is Michael. Good job on the presentation. You made some grammar and spelling mistakes and seemed to have some trouble with the game explanations. I recommend typing everything in a program such as Microsoft Word which corrects spelling mistakes and some grammar mistakes first. Here are some that you made:
0:11 type, not tipe
0:58 change to - Move the knees up and down
2:11 backwards and forwards
3:23 Run along a track different ways
5:53 You ´´have´´ two groups. person of a group ´´takes´´ a ball and ´´throws´´ it ´´to´´ the other ´´track´´...
6:19 number, not numbre must ´´say´´ a ´´number´´ ´´The´´ 2 are going to...
Hi, this is Michael. Good job on the presentation. You made some grammar and spelling mistakes and seemed to have some trouble with the game explanations. I recommend typing everything in a program such as Microsoft Word which corrects spelling mistakes and some grammar mistakes first. Here are some that you made:
type, not tipe
change to - Move the knees up and down
backwards and forwards
Run along a track different ways
You ´´have´´ two groups.
person of a group ´´takes´´ a ball and ´´throws´´ it ´´to´´ the other ´´track´´...
number, not numbre
must ´´say´´ a ´´number´´
´´The´´ 2 are going to...